3 Years Ago Today

Apparently I started this blog three years ago.  WordPress reminded me it was my anniversary.  I’m glad I’m not in a relationship with someone real to be responsible to remember this date because I really blew it.

Hey!  Let’s recap the three years … briefly.  Really.  I have to get back to my useless internet search of stupid stuff.

  • Glad I had my hysterectomy.  No regrets.
  • Today … kind of got teary-eyed today when I saw a baby that “could” have been mine — in other words, she could have passed for my offspring.  It was short-lived as I have not forgotten how much fun life is without a little being or beings in tow to constantly be responsible for.  However, I do have my cats and husband so there is some responsibility there.  Oh, and my job — please don’t let me go there.  It’s been a bundle of stress lately to the point I’ve had chest pain.  Again, let me NOT go there.
  • I have subscribed to a whole bunch of blogs over these three years.  Reading on WordPress IS my new hobby.  Most of the blogs I read are cat blogs … OK, I really just look at the photos.
  • I’m still having intermittent hot flashes. I blame my diet for this: wine, coffee and some sweets.  I suppose I want the coffee, wine and chocolate MORE than not having hot flashes.  Maybe one day I will get over these minor vices, but until I will suffer through my intermittent flushing, flashes and sweating. Oi vey.  Poor me.
  • I’m moving soon and will have to put off my eventual cat (or other subject, but probably not) blog.  I’m stockpiling photos of my little furbears!
  • My dad turns 80 this year.  I have nothing more to say about that.  He is healthy and happy and that’s all I could really ask for.
  • I have an anxiety feeling that started with spring.  I wonder if it will go away with summer?  The recent stress of my job has not helped this arena one bit.  I am being silent-bullied at work.  I didn’t know ignoring someone was a form of bullying.  Apparently, it is.  Check out being ignored as a bullying tactic (Bully Free at Work)I feel embarrassed to admit that I am being ignored by a couple people at work.  Anyway, I’m trying to deal with this the best I can.  Ugh.
  • Today is the first day I honestly considered getting a tattoo and possibly had some insight as to at least one reason someone might get inked — to put personal words and/or a symbol to remind themselves of something that means quite a bit to them … like a permanent post-it note reminder!  I thought about three tattoos I’d like: 1. the “evil eye” … sometimes I feel some people are jealous of me and I’d like to have a particular tattoo to distract them, 2. some sort of symbol of Karma symbol or a phrase about Karma — something to remind me what comes around goes around, like that of what’s happening to me and to remind myself that my actions, positive and negative, come around back to me as well, and, 3. the word “reciprocity” — I often give to people who do not give back and I need to stop this; I need to pause giving to those beings who reciprocate kindness and actions that I do, to stop giving little gifts to people who are unable to say thank you or give in kind and to simply be friendly but not overextending myself.  But honestly, I’m too chicken to get something permanent placed on my body. I doubt I’ll ever get a tattoo.

Did you know?  A belief in the evil eye is widespread on every continent.

The Evil Eye (ayin ha-ra) is often defined as the ability to bring about evil results by a malicious gaze. In most cultures the belief is prevalent that some human beings have the power of sending destructive rays, so to speak, in order to cause harm to those of whom they are envious or otherwise dislike.

Evil Eye in Judaism

Hamsa evil eye tattoo

NOT a photo of me … or one of my cats either!  I so own some Hamsa earrings & necklace and an evil eye bracelet — my very first item purchased from Etsy. 

I’m not really superstitious.  Really.  I don’t believe in ghosts or angels or spells or speaking in tongues or seances or heaven or hell or reincarnation or astral projection … part of me feels silly even thinking about things like Karma and the evil eye.

Did you know? The relationship of karma to causality is a central motif in all schools of Hindu, Jain and Buddhist thought.

The theory of karma as causality holds that (1) executed actions of an individual affects the individual and the life he or she lives, and (2) the intentions of an individual affects the individual and the life he or she lives. Disinterested actions, or unintentional actions do not have the same positive or negative karmic effect, as interested and intentional actions.

Wikipedia on Karma

Karma quote Wayne Dyer

Hmmm … I better behave better!

Did you know? To really take inventory of the quality of your friendships with the goal of eliminating any non-reciprocal or toxic friends, it means we value ourselves enough to believe we deserve better, we deserve to be treated the way we treat others.  The importance of reciprocal relationships.

It’s important to take an inventory of our relationships and determine if there is an overall reciprocity. Healthy relationships deserve it. Those that don’t have it, might need to be re-evaluated.


reciprocity quote

I got a lot of account closing to do!

My take away from from the bullying article referenced above is be friendly, firm, but not familiar, and in the meantime, look to serve, be helpful, and trusted with all you come into contact with – this will help to secure your connection with … [all relationships].

Wow.  I didn’t mean to write so much.  Have a great day!  And of course, see below for the cat photo you’ve been waiting for!


Happy Easter!  You can tell this was an old photo because this photo was taken before the days of safety helmets.

12 thoughts on “3 Years Ago Today

  1. I still LOVE that I had a hysterectomy.

    Does that picture of the woman with the tattoo have a large bruise on her back?

    I do have a couple of tattoos. One is simply, Breathe.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. veggiewhatnow says:

    Hugs, sometimes you cant help when people take out their shit on you. Having a similar issue here at the hospital, but hey, whatcha gonna do? Happy Easter to you too! Enjoy some treats!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thanks. I think just continue to do good work, take care of patients the best I can and turn my supportive family and friends when I can!

      I had too many treats today! Ugh.

      Thanks for your support. You hang in there too!

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Happy 3rd Blogiversary, Elizabeth 🙂 People can be really mean sometimes, but that is probably because the shortcomings of themselves. Stand up for yourself my furriend and “Forgive them, they don’t know what they do.” WOW! You are going to move. That must be so exciting! You know that I know all about it, right 😉 Here’s an Extra Pawkiss to fulfil your day with Joy and Laughter and three extra for the Occasion 🙂 ❤

    Liked by 1 person

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