Wish I could have donated MY uterus.

If I could have I would have … 

donated my uterus that is.  Apparently the cut off age is 39 for donating your uterus.  I’m speaking to all the women out there who have a healthy uterus … not you men who are thinking of donating by proxy — you might think this will help her monthly mood swings and cut down on all those mouths to feed!

My uterus was fine.  The pathology report showed no pathology.  And that is what remains a mystery to this day … why my uterus gave me so much d@mned pain!  Now that it’s out, and I still have my tubies and ovaritos (not medically correct terminology mind you), I no longer have monthly pain.  Hurray for me!

I definitely would have been a willing volunteer to give mine up.  I do know I was too old and I’m not sure if they take the ovaries and tubes also — in that case, it would have been a deal breaker!  I want my ovaries … at least for now even if they are getting crunchy and the eggs have been all chromosomally jumbled up.  My poor, poor ovaries …

Put on your thinker capppies, here comes some SCIENCE!

The chromosome theory of inheritance was not the work of a single scientist, but rather the collaborative result of multiple researchers working over multiple decades. The seeds of this theory were first planted in the 1860s, when Gregor Mendel and Charles Darwin each proposed possible systems of heredity.

It wasn’t until several decades later, following Walther Flemming’s discovery of chromosomes and description of their behavior during mitosis, that a probable mechanism for the transmission of traits was identified. The idea of a connection between chromosomes and heredity was subsequently chromosomes sex cellsstrengthened by research conducted by Theodor Boveri and Walter Sutton, but direct evidence in support of chromosome theory didn’t come until Thomas Hunt Morgan’s experiments with fruit flies at dawn of the twentieth century.

Thus, after nearly 50 years of speculation, scientists were finally able to confirm what they had long suspected: that chromosomes were indeed the physical carriers of hereditary information.

The full monty HERE!

The following video is why some women want or need a uterine transplant … an issue that will never be mine, but nonetheless interesting. cute uterus


And on a completely unrelated subject to hysterectomy …

The following cartoon is for all the other cat fans who are just as in ❤ with cats as I am. Whew! Enough with the female stuff and how about some feline stuff instead?! cat meowtain


8 thoughts on “Wish I could have donated MY uterus.

  1. The cat pics are the best! 🙂 Aside from that, most months it feels like my uterus has teeth and is trying to chew it’s way out of my body. If a surgeon knocked on my door now and offered to take the damned thing out, I couldn’t accept fast enough!

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